CDC Call for AR Project Proposals
CDC Seeking Antimicrobial Resistance Project ProposalsBroad Agency Announcement |
CDC released a new Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) funding opportunity for applied research to address emerging public health priorities. Funded research projects may include identifying and evaluating strategies and advancing innovation to combat antimicrobial resistance (AR). Domestic and international applicants should visit the announcement page at to learn more and apply by February 3, 2023 at 3 p.m. EST. CDC works on AR-related topics across the One Health spectrum, including:
Funding for this opportunity will be determined through a competitive selection process based on funds available. Since 2016, CDC has supported more than 120 innovation projects through the BAA to advance research and understanding of AR across health care, the food supply, communities, and the environment. Through these new BAA projects, research will help CDC better understand the drivers and potential impact of AR across the One Health spectrum and identify innovative solutions to prevent the spread of AR. BAA projects complement additional CDC AR investments, including those supported through CDC’s AR Solutions Initiative. Through these investments, CDC is transforming how the nation combats AR domestically and globally.
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