

New year, new strategy!

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Hi concerns2me,

We're ready to share our 2025-2028 Strategic Plan with you!

Over the next few years, our work will focus on:

  • ensuring a strong and resilient open infrastructure of sharing, and
  • enabling a healthy and thriving creative commons powered by reciprocity and community in the public interest.
Visit the CC blog to read more and download a PDF copy. 

We couldn't have done this without you. Thank you for sharing your insights and feedback throughout 2024. 

Your continued enthusiasm is essential as we seek to fund this strategy and build for the future. We humbly ask those in strong financial positions who benefit from CC licenses and open infrastructure to consider making a donation to CC. 

Thank You!
Anna love_cc
Donate to Creative Commons
This email is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

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Creative Commons
211 Hope St # 1866
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