Newsletter Wellness and Health-Care: Nourish and Flourish

Newsletter Wellness : Health-Care "Nourish n Flourish" : concerns2me, this is about human rights concerns2me, this is about human rights - Newsletter Wellness : Health-Care "Nourish n Flourish"

concerns2me, this is about human rights

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Hi concerns2me,

It's officially #GivingTuesday and we'll keep it short: Creative Commons needs your support. This year, we're going big. We have an ambitious goal to raise $100,000.

The commons is at risk, and organizations like ours are essential to protecting it. We believe access to knowledge is a human right and essential to tackling today's most pressing global challenges.

We will continue to fight for a thriving, equitable global commons but we can't meet our $100,000 goal without your help 🥳. We're a nonprofit organization with a small but mighty team of 18 people.

Would you be willing to chip in $25, $50, or even $100? We know it's a hard time for many, and are grateful for any amount you're able to contribute.

Thank You! 
CC Team love_cc

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