Newsletter Wellness and Health-Care: Nourish and Flourish

Newsletter Wellness : Health-Care "Nourish n Flourish" : Do you use our licenses? Do you use our licenses? - Newsletter Wellness : Health-Care "Nourish n Flourish"

Do you use our licenses?

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Hi concerns2me,

We know that copyright and open licensing can be confusing, which is why we work diligently to provide educational content on our CC licenses. We offer a lot of information on our website, including a FAQ, as well as monthly office hours (sign up here) with our legal team.

We're a small nonprofit and rely on donations to make this work happen. Maybe you've used some of the resources above? If you're willing and able, you can make a gift to CC here!

Your contributions ensure we can continue to offer things like advice on CC licenses and public domain tools free of charge to our vast community. 

Thank You!
CC Team love_cc

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