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concerns2me, knowledge should be open right?

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Hi concerns2me,

The year is speeding by, and at Creative Commons, we've been very busy.

We recently launched the TAROCH Coalition (Towards a Recommendation on Open Cultural Heritage) focused on promoting equitable access to cultural heritage among UNESCO Member States. This year, we're also doubling down on efforts to make scientific research easier to share and access. We also continue to be a major player in the education sector, advocating for openly licensed educational resources (OERs).

At the core of all this work is a continued commitment to the commons. We believe knowledge should be open and, now more than ever, need your support. Would you be willing to donate $10 to Creative Commons this month?

There are many ways to give. You can make a one time donation or become a recurring donor by joining our Open Infrastructure Circle.

You can also donate via check, Donor Advised Fund (DAF), employee match, wire transfer, or gift stocks or securities. Check out our Donor FAQ for more detail.

Thank You!
CC Team love_cc

Donate to Creative Commons
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