Newsletter Wellness and Health-Care: Nourish and Flourish

Newsletter Wellness : Health-Care "Nourish n Flourish" : Access to cultural heritage is a human right Description of the image Access to cultural heritage is a human right - Newsletter Wellness : Health-Care "Nourish n Flourish"

Access to cultural heritage is a human right

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Hi concerns2me,

Did you catch the launch of our TAROCH Coalition?

TAROCH stands for Towards a Recommendation on Open Cultural Heritage. The world's cultural heritage holds the power to connect people across time and space, fostering mutual understanding, creativity, and sustainable development. Yet, many cultural treasures remain inaccessible, locked behind barriers of outdated policies, resource limitations, and logistical challenges.

The TAROCH Coalition aims to change this by addressing systemic barriers and promoting equitable access to cultural heritage among UNESCO Member States. Would you like to join us? We currently have 53 members who are ready to connect and collaborate.

Learn more by visiting the CC website.

Thank You!

CC Team love_cc

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